
Wheelchair Alliance launches manifesto ahead of the general election

Written by The Wheelchair Alliance | Jul 3, 2024 4:31:22 PM


 Wheelchair Alliance launches manifesto ahead of the general election calling for lasting change in wheelchair provision

The Wheelchair Alliance, an organisation which champions the needs of wheelchair users across England, has launched their manifesto ahead of the general election, which calls on the new Government to deliver lasting change for the better when it comes to wheelchair provision.

The manifesto focuses on a five-point plan for immediate action and follows the findings of The Value of a Wheelchair, the Alliance’s latest report, which highlighted that current funding is the equivalent of £196 per person per year for wheelchair users.

 “This report lays bare the postcode lottery which currently exists in wheelchair provision, something we are determined to see change,” says Nick Goldup, chair and chief operating office of the Alliance.

“Our research shows that increasing investment in wheelchairs by £22 million per annum, with wheelchairs users provided with the right high-quality wheelchair, would unlock benefits to the UK economy of more than £60 million per annum. However, should the annual total benefit be 5%, the same investment would realise benefits to society, including savings to the NHS, in excess of £315 million per annum.”

With former Paralympian and House of Lords member Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson as president of the Alliance, its manifesto outlines expectations of commissioners and wheelchair services going forward, focusing on a five-point plan:

  • Fair representation
  • Better funding
  • Standardised wheelchair provision
  • Mandated regulation
  • Accurate data

It also calls on the incoming Government to put right the lack of funding and provision. “Wheelchair users deserve so much more and it’s our mission to influence Government and healthcare providers into recognising the importance of timely and appropriate wheelchair provision. That’s why we will be contacting the new Government on 5th July to ensure that we are part of the conversations needed for lasting change in wheelchair provision,” says Nick.

To download the Wheelchair Alliance’s manifesto in full, click here


Please direct any press enquiries to Emma Speirs on 01536 682800 or email


Nick Goldup, chief operating officer of The Wheelchair Alliance

About The Wheelchair Alliance

Formed in 2015, the vision of The wheelchair Alliance is to transform the experience for wheelchair users in England through improved access, quality and effectiveness.

They are committed to hearing the voice of wheelchair users, providing information to empower those who use a wheelchair, their families and carers. Over the last three decades there have been many reports, reviews and recommendations in relation to wheelchair services made by Government, statutory and voluntary services sectors. These all indicated that there was considerable variation in wheelchair services and provision across England.

Since 2020, the Wheelchair Alliance has been busy reviewing, refreshing and reinvigorating its commitment to wheelchair users and their carers. In 2021 the independent Wheelchair Alliance Community Interest Company was formed to strengthen the voice of wheelchair users, working in collaboration with commissioners and providers to make lasting positive change.