Powered wheelchair survey extended
null • 1 min read • Nov 20, 2024 12:20:25 PM • Written by: The Wheelchair Alliance

Earlier this month, the Wheelchair Alliance called on all powered wheelchair users to complete a vital survey to help it raise concerns over a recent change in class.
The call to action follows significant concerns on the categorisation of wheelchairs following the Department for Transport’s updated guidance linked to legislation surrounding the use of powered wheelchairs.
This issue was first brought to the attention of the Alliance via engagement with its membership, those of whom highlighted that the updated guidelines state that powered wheelchairs over the 150kg weight limit (200kg if there are medical add-ons), will be changing its classification to 'not in class'. Such a change in classification would mean that powered wheelchairs in this category:
- can only be used on the road
- cannot be used on pavements, pedestrian areas, cycle tracks, or cycle lanes
- wheelchair users must be registered with the DVLA, and
- must hold a valid driving license
Funded by Motability Foundation, the Wheelchair Alliance put together a survey and encouraged all powered wheelchair users to take this opportunity to have their say on this issue.
Now we have extended the deadline to ensure we get as much data as possible from those who use powered wheelchairs.
You can take part in the survey at https://bit.ly/3NZNNd8
Survey closes on Friday 6th December 2024.
The information provided in completing the survey will be used for research purposes and participation in the survey is entirely confidential.