Wheelchair-Alliance -The Alliance Background

Our background

Over the last three decades there have been many reports, reviews and recommendations in relation to wheelchair services made by government, statutory and voluntary services sectors. These all indicated that there was considerable variation in wheelchair services and provision across England. In recognition of this NHS England, the body that has overall responsibility for providing wheelchair services, committed to supporting fundamental change to services as part of NHS Change Day in 2014. The full report ‘My Voice, My Wheelchair, My Life’ can be found here.

Much has been achieved, although there is still a long way to go. To champion the voice of wheelchair users at a national level, the Wheelchair Alliance was started in 2015. It developed the Wheelchair Charter which set out what is expected of commissioners and wheelchair services.

Since 2020, the Wheelchair Alliance has been busy reviewing, refreshing and reinvigorating its commitment to wheelchair users and their carers. In 2021, the independent Wheelchair Alliance Community Interest Company (CIC) was formed to strengthen the voice of wheelchair users and to work in collaboration with commissioners and providers to make lasting positive change.  

What We Do

Our Vision is

‘To transform the experience for wheelchair users in England through improved access, quality and effectiveness’.
team montage

The Wheelchair Alliance Team & Volunteers

The team at The Wheelchair Alliance draws upon the experience of a group of highly committed volunteers with a wealth of experience in the wheelchair sector, many of whom are wheelchair users themselves. They are dedicated to representing the rights of wheelchair users and improving service provision across the country.


Wheelchair User Voice

To ensure the experience and voice of wheelchair users is heard, the Wheelchair Alliance has a User Engagement Group. Each member on the group represents either a wheelchair forum from a region of the country, or a group of people whose condition means they need a wheelchair. Currently the members represent approximately 150,000 wheelchair users. Our plan is to further develop this into a National Advisory Board of Wheelchair Users.

The User Engagement Group members support the Wheelchair Alliance by:

  • Providing lived experience
  • Gathering views from the people they represent to feedback a consensus of opinion
  • Highlighting themes or topics that could be considered for future FAQs or possible research such as surveys or polls
  • Supporting the development of information that is written in simple English, free form jargon and abbreviation
  • Signposting to useful sites that have information that could be included on the website
  • Sharing information as widely as possible, including contacting local MPs

If you represent a group of wheelchair users and would like to apply to be a member of the Group, please leave your details here.

Our Strategy

Wheelchair Alliance Strategic Direction 2023-2026