FAQs for Wheelchair Clinicians

This page is under development in collaboration with a group of wheelchair clinicians. If you have any specific information you would ike to be included please contact us

Publications & Resources

Introduction: There are a wealth of publications and resources available to support clinicians who work with wheelchair users. Here we have detailed some.
If you would like to suggest other useful resources as a clinician which should be included please contact us.
What is The Operating Model for NHS Commissioned Wheelchair Services?

The Operating Model for NHS- Commissioned Wheelchair Services has been developed by the National Wheelchair Managers Forum (NWMF) in collaboration with, amongst others, wheelchair users and the Postural Mobility Group (PMG). It is a set of principles that reflect the needs of wheelchair users and describe the minimum requirements, best practice and work in accordance with legal requirements.


What is the Wheelchair Charter?

The Wheelchair Charter is a set of 6 principles that seek to ensure that everyone who needs a wheelchair gets one, and no one is left without the equipment they need because of where they live.

 It is useful to read this in conjunction with the Wheelchair Quality Framework, please not this is due for publication in Autumn 2024

What are the best practice guidelines for transportation of people seated in a wheelchair?

The Postural Mobility Group (PMG) Best Practice Guidelines for Transportation of People Seated in Wheelchairs  provides healthcare professionals who prescribe wheelchairs and seating systems for individuals with mobility impairments with guidance on the prescription and selection of equipment likely to be used in transport. They were reviewed in April 2020 and the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) withdrew their guidelines document DB2001(2003) , referring readers to the PMG BPG1 content.

There is a usefulTravel Safe’ Guidance leaflet that accompanies BPG1

What is wheelchair skills training?

The upcoming Wheelchair Quality Framework states that on handover of the prescribed wheelchair that there must be provision of training to wheelchair users on the safe and effective use of the wheelchair plus sign-posting to wider training skills. This FAQ will provide links to videos, wheelchair skills training apps and other resources. It should be noted that the Wheelchair Alliance does not endorse any of these however seeks to enable others to make choices on where they can access possible support.