Together we can

Make a Difference

At the Wheelchair Alliance we realise that to travel fast and far we need to travel together. Our partnership programme provides opportunities for our partners to work with us to deliver tangible improvements to the rights of wheelchair users across England. Below you will find examples of our partnership opportunities. If you would like to have discussion about how you could support us, then please fill in the form and one of our team will be in touch.

Partnership Opportunities

We have a range of partnership opportunities available for organisations wishing to support The Wheelchair Alliance. Below are details of the packages on offer. Of course we would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you your specific objectives and how we could tailor a package to support your specific needs.

Organisation Membership

As a Member of The Wheelchair Alliance you have access to a range of benefits and resources

Membership rates are calculated on the turnover in revenue of your organisation. Organisations with a turnover of less than £500,000 can sign up online by clicking the button below. Organisations with a turnover of more than £500,000 should contact The Wheelchair Alliance by filling out the form at the bottom of this page and one of our team will be in touch to discuss your requirements and membership options.

Benefits include:


  • Use of The Wheelchair Alliance logo (subject to Terms and Conditions)
  • Member's logo displayed in the membership section of the The Wheelchair Alliance website
  • Access to 'members' directory
  • Receive our quarterly newsletter
  • Invitations to Webinars, Summits & Events
  • The opportunity to inform information development
  • Support lobbying for change at a national level
  • Online Membership Subscriptions by revenue bands: Upto £100K: £100 per annum. Between £100K and £250K:£500 per annum. Between £250K and £500K: £1500 per annum
  • For organisations with revenues over £500K please contact us by filling out the form at the bottom of this page
Wheelchair Alliance Strategy in home_

Becoming a partner with The Wheelchair Alliance provides a range of valuable collaboration opportunities

In addition to the benefits provided to members, our partners are able to access a range of additional benefits.

We are also able to tailor partnership packages to meet your specific needs and objectives.

To discuss Partnership opportunities with The Wheelchair Alliance, please fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch with you.

Below is a list of the additional benefits provided to partners:


  • Invitation to the All Party Parliamentary Group AGM
  • Access to National Advisory Board of Wheelchair Users
  • You can promote your partnership on your Annual Impact Report
  • Partnership packages start from £5,000 per annum.

Joint Principle Sponsorship

As one of our principle sponsors of The Wheelchair Alliance you will demonstrate your organisations complete commitment to the mission of the Alliance. To discuss the potential of becoming a sponsor and the tailoring of a package please get in touch with us by filling out the form below. 

Below are examples  of the incremental benefits of becoming and sponsor of The Wheelchair Alliance.
  • Co-branding at events, letters and other marketing materials
  • Investing in developing the Alliance for the benefit of all wheelchair users
  • Principle Sponsorship packages can be tailored to suit your specific needs. As a guide these packages start at £15,000 per annum. To discuss your sponsorship requirements please fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch

Charity Membership

The Wheelchair Alliance offers free membership to charities that have direct links with wheelchair users to strengthen the wheelchair user voice and support lobbying for positive change.

We also welcome donations that will enable us to continue to deliver the much-needed change that wheelchair users and their families deserve.

If you do not directly represent wheelchair users, please consider a partnership with us. Fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch.


Contact us to discuss partnership and sponsorship packages


We would love to have a conversation with you about the options available and how we could tailor a package to meet your requirements. Fill out the form opposite and one of our team will get in touch.