Dan Ellis

Dan Ellis

Dan Ellis is passionate about helping to strengthen the voice of the wheelchair community. He combines creativity and smart enabling technology in order to help provide equal opportunities for all.

Dan has always been interested in finding opportunities to help others and improving access to equal opportunities for everyone. His work with organisations like the Wheelchair Alliance comes from personally wanting to ‘give something back’ to the community.

He has 25 years of experience in helping Fortune 500 companies to accelerate and grow in an ever-changing digital world. Using everything that he’s learned – and continues to learn – throughout his career, his goal is to not only find his own social purpose but to help others too.

Dan specialises in unlocking the art of the possible in order to empower ambitious companies and help them to enjoy continued success. He strongly believes that businesses need to have an online presence to not only survive but also to thrive in the future.  

He is the Managing Director of ORCKID, a leading digital agency, that has worked with the likes of Centrica and British Gas to create solutions that improve customer engagement and enhance business performance.
