Dan McAleavy

Dan McAleavy

Dan lives independently with 24/7 personal assistant support using direct payments from the local authority.  He has contributed to initiatives to improve wheelchair provision for several years. Since 2016 Dan has been involved in various ways in the development of personal wheelchair budgets. In Dan’s view, while there has been some progress, there is much more to be done to end the postcode lottery. He is excited about the possibilities of the national Wheelchair Quality Framework to make a real difference and he has been involved through the NHS in the development of the Framework.

Dan studied Media Communications and Culture at the University of Gloucestershire. In 2017 he helped to set up a Community Interest Company which focuses on projects that emphasise social inclusion and, for example, runs an inclusive community radio station. 

Dan enjoys comedy and football and he supports Everton which can be a source of joy but also of disappointment. 
