Pauline Matheson-Marks

Pauline Matheson-Marks

Pauline joined the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association in 2013 and for the past eight years has been heavily involved in improving timely access to wheelchairs and accessories for people with MND. Pauline has worked with manufacturers, specialist therapists and people with MND to develop a range of powered wheelchairs suitable for the progressive needs of people with MND, and a range of other neurological conditions. The work was shortlisted for a HSJ award in 2015 and has continued to develop as manufacturers have re-imagined their product ranges.
On a day to day basis one of Pauline’s responsibilities is to lead the Association’s grant team and this includes providing financial support for wheelchair accessories as powerpacks, risers, attendant controls and powered elevated leg rests. The MND Association fund two specialist therapists who work closely with Pauline, and the wider Association to provide support to people living with MND and also to wheelchair services staff who may be unsure of how to best support someone with MND.
In January 2021 Pauline, and the therapists launched the MND Association’s wheelchair pathway and audit tool and the aim of the tool is to drive up service improvements through early referral, triage to social care and increased use of anticipatory prescribing. This tool, and the underlying principles can be applied to other conditions. Pauline joined the Wheelchair Alliance as she is committed to ensuring that people get the right wheelchair at the right time.
